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Weight Gain Game 720 Watch Online Subtitles 1080 Torrent

The weight gain game. Practically every overweight person has heard of it, if only because the idea has been used to taunt them for years. It’s even rumored that this game is so common, people play it when they see someone eating in public for the first time. The goal of the weight gain game is obvious: to make someone obese by adding pounds to their body until they can’t move without assistance. The rules are also straightforward: all you have to do is forcefully feed an unsuspecting person an excessive amount of food until they're in danger of exploding from too much fat in their stomach and intestines. Despite its simplicity, this game requires some forethought, as it is hard to simply blurt out at someone “I’m going to make you heavier until you can’t move without assistance.” Although it might be easier than the alternative (hint: you're about to get trolled), taunting people with this game can result in lawsuits and other unpleasant circumstances.Holding someone at gunpoint against their will to force them into their own bodyweight gain game is frowned upon. That said, some people choose not to play this game by themselves and seek help from others. The problem is, holding someone at gunpoint to make them eat is illegal. The only way to get away with it is by using physical restraint or putting down enough food to make them sick. The former method is very easy, but the latter method is risky. Many people expect the overweight person in question to have a healthy appetite, making it difficult for the writer to put enough food in their stomach to make them throw up multiple times in a row. However, there are ways around this issue. For example, an overweight person can be fed in secret at their own home or work, giving them access to food without anyone knowing when they’re being fed by an unknown party. Additionally, this tactic can be done with the help of a third party. After all, having a friend help you hold someone down as they’re force-fed food makes it appear as if you’re simply helping a friend who is having a hard time moving around.To make someone gain weight without getting caught or going to jail, the writer must find an overweight person who lives alone and doesn’t have much mobility, but also isn’t too overweight. The target should also be someone who is very quiet and doesn’t talk to their neighbors or coworkers about their personal life or habits; they should also be of average intelligence (enough to follow simple orders). Before writing this game, it is vital to define the type of food someone would normally consume when they are alone. For example, if the person in question is very active and works out often, they might eat high-protein foods, such as chicken breast or fish with high fat contents. If the person in question is more sedentary and eats few healthy foods, they might chose foods with higher calorie content, such as cookies or ice cream. The writer should also study the habits of their target to understand their eating habits in detail. cfa1e77820

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