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Today, I’ll be sharing my experiences with the CTAB Sober Jonno XPL-2. The Sober Jonno is a revolutionary breathalyzer that has won over the entire breathalyzer market with its accuracy and ease of use. It is made to accurately distinct alcohol levels in less than 10 seconds, which means you will take your sobriety test in no time! The XPL series also comes handy when you're on vacation or car-jacking prevention. How can this device be any improvement? For starters, it only takes .1 milliliters of your breath for testing so it's quick and easy to use. It uses the latest infrared technology and has a 100% accuracy rate. So don't worry about taking a test and seeing a negative reading, because it will never be wrong. This is because of its revolutionary infrared technology that gives results from 60-100 feet away from the sensor so you can take your test anywhere you want, even if there is no ventilation or air conditioner. It is also FDA approved so there are no concerns of using any type of device that can harm your health in any way. Aside from that, Sober Jonno has a special feature that sets it apart from other breathalyzers. It features Bluetooth connectivity so you can use your phone for results. This is a major plus because you won't need to get the whole test done all over again when you get back from your trip or from being kidnapped. Sober Jonno XPL-2 is made by the Countertop Analyzer Corporation and can be bought online through online e-commerce websites such as Amazon and eBay. I got mine through Amazon because of the price. It was only 400 pesos, so it's affordable. But if you are still worried about costs, I think you can get something better with ease through your local drugstore. For me, it's the easiest way to prove my sobriety level without having to wait for a chemical test or go to a specialized police station for being breathalyzed. The fact that I was able to take my sobriety test in less than 8 minutes after I got drunk is all because of this device. This product is a huge improvement for everyone around who wants to check whether they're drunk or not. It is even good for your health because it can warn you about the consequences of drinking too much alcohol. I can say that this product definitely has great value for its price and even comes with a money back guarantee. cfa1e77820